Many dog behavior issues are overlooked because they aren’t “severe” – compared to what?! 
Right now, at this very moment, there are literally thousands of dog owners – possibly hundreds of thousands – struggling with “minor” behavior issues. There’s a widespread misconception that if the issues aren’t severe (dog aggression, separation anxiety, fear aggression, etc.) then they aren’t actually dog behavior issues worthy of professional dog training. (Well, what are they then?) The truth is, every single day, dogs are surrendered for issues we might call “minor,” issues like hyperactivity, housebreaking problems, destructive chewing, jumping, and barking.

Leash pulling is a frustrating behavior problem that can often lead to surrender. Any dog can be taught to walk at a nice calm heel!

How does a situation involving a “minor” behavior issue get so bad that the dog is surrendered? Many factors can contribute to behavior issues (big or small) and every situation is different, but one thing is for sure: you can’t spot check behavior. Very, very rarely do quick fixes provide the lasting behavior changes these dogs desperately need. Since behavior issues like excessive barking, jumping, destructive chewing, housebreaking trouble, and hyperactivity aren’t commonly viewed as serious behavior issues, most dog owners who face these problems don’t immediately consider dog training. Instead, they seek advice from well-meaning friends, family members, or even other dog professionals, such as veterinarians, groomers, or doggie daycare operators. Thanks to the internet, there is no shortage of information on quick fixes for common  dog behavior problems, so nearly everyone will have advice to offer. By the time dog owners are completely fed up, they feel like they’ve tried everything out there.

They may have tried every quick fix trick in the book, but just like weight loss pills, or magic slimming pants, it’s too good to be true. The results, if any appear at all, don’t last. This creates the false conclusion that nothing will work, but most dog owners dealing with these “minor” dog behavior issues have overlooked the one thing that can actually bring about lasting change: professional dog training!

The place command can help a young dog learn impulse control, thereby alleviating many behaviors often described as “hyperactive.”

“He already knows his basic obedience commands – that’s not the problem. The problem is he’s too hyper!” Sound familiar? Professional dog trainers get this objection all the time. Dog training is not complicated, but in order to create lasting change, it has to be thorough, and it has to be consistent. To attempt to address just one area of dog behavior without zooming out to assess the situation as a whole is akin to patching a hole in a leaky dam. You might be able to squeeze a plug in the hole, sure, but soon thereafter the pressure builds and another hole pops up. The same thing happens with dog behavior, unless of course you commit to a dog training plan that addresses the dog’s behavior as a whole.

The bottom line: your dog CAN change! You don’t have to surrender your dog to a shelter, find him/her a new home, or “manage” the issue for the rest of the dog’s life.
If your dog is having behavior issues – big or small – don’t hesitate to contact a dog trainer for help! No issue is too minor, or too silly. If you’re searching for a Philadelphia dog trainer, I’d be happy to help! Before getting started with dog training, we’d meet for an initial consultation (which carries no obligation, by the way). During this consultation I will observe and evaluate your dog. I’ll help you zoom out to look at your dog’s behavior as a whole, and I’ll explain how a thorough, consistent dog training plan will help your dog overcome his/her behavior issues. I provide dog training for the entire Delaware Valley, including Philadelphia, Oxford, Exton, West Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Middletown, Dover, Elkton, North East, Rising Sun, and more.
Believe that change is possible!